The intelligent stair lights have a sensor that will detect you coming from either the top or bottom of the stairs and illuminate the stairs in front of you for a safe walk up or down.
Light up stairs as you walk.
When we walk up and down the stairs the load in our knee is 3 5 times our weight.
It is such a heavy load for our knee.
Walking up and down the stairs is good for our heart but it is not good for our knee since it triggers early osteoarthritis.
They detect your movement and will illuminate the stairs in front of you.
As you step on the first stair on the way up or down use pwm to ramp up the brightness on the led strip for the first stair to full.
Or a on delay could be set so that as you go up the stair the steps ahead will light up whilst the steps behind will turn off.
Each count lights up a step until all steps are lit when you reach the top.
If you don t have a house with guide lights by your stairs and prefer not to switch on a super bright light you may want some of these smart stair lights that turn on as you walk up and down them.
Then as you pass they shut off behind you thus saving on energy.
This can be further modified to also have a sensor at the top of the stairs and reverse the count.