16 outdoor gear and clothing companies everyone should know.
List of outdoor apparel companies.
Tyler lauletta insider picks 2016 12 28t18 46 00z the letter f.
We offer tents fleece jackets backpacks hiking boots gps units outdoor clothing and more from top brands including the north face patagonia columbia sportswear and merrell.
For 100 you can get an all purpose jacket that will last you years or even decades.
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An image of a chain link.
Although they produce great apparel marmot also specializes in outdoor gear like sleeping bags and backpacks.
All products sold by rei are backed by a 100 percent.
Mara leighton insider picks 2017 10 18t14 00 00z the letter f.
In fact they re more affordable than other big name brands on this list.
The brands listed are those specific to the outdoor sporting goods industry.
Pages in category outdoor clothing brands the following 81 pages are in this category out of 81 total.
The following list is of outdoor brands that are owned by another entity.
Parent companies may own other brands that are not listed because those other brands are not marketed as outdoor sporting goods.
9 outdoor clothing brands worth checking out.
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You probably know the biggest names in the outdoor equipment world but there are plenty of upstart gear companies out there too.
You ll find lots of dyneema a fabric and fiber that s 15 times stronger than steel yet still light and waterproof and durable especially through maine s winters.
Rei is the world s premier outdoor gear store.
Find everything you need for outdoor adventures such as camping hiking biking skiing snowboarding and more.
Backpacker has not as of this writing reviewed or tested any of the above products in the field.
It s also here and through a bit of research that we find a handful of smaller boutique outdoor brands that may not resonate with a huge audience but do produce some killer outdoor gear with the branding to back it up.
Click through the slideshow above to see a few that have caught our eye recently.
There in an old mill building hyperlite mountain gear designs and manufactures all of its outdoor gear including shelters tents stuff sacks and outerwear.