In fact they re more affordable than other big name brands on this list.
List of outdoor gear companies.
Mara leighton insider picks 2017 10 18t14 00 00z the letter f.
Although they produce great apparel marmot also specializes in outdoor gear like sleeping bags and backpacks.
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Click through the slideshow above to see a few that have caught our eye recently.
Backpacker has not as of this writing reviewed or tested any of the above products in the field.
Top brands outdoor gear for climbing hiking camping.
From backpacking to cycling to staying in shape and more outfit your outdoor activities with the latest gear clothing and footwear at rei.
The brands listed are those specific to the outdoor sporting goods industry.
For 100 you can get an all purpose jacket that will last you years or even decades.
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The following list is of outdoor brands that are owned by another entity.
16 outdoor gear and clothing companies everyone should know.
From mass market camping and hiking equipment to innovative products for backpacking mountaineering paddling and skiing there are thousands of companies that manufacturer clothing and gear for exploring the outdoors.
Parent companies may own other brands that are not listed because those other brands are not marketed as outdoor sporting goods.
With decades of experience designing and manufacturing performance gear and apparel the best companies in the active and outdoor sports world are uniquely positioned to make masks you might want.
Shop high quality gear apparel and footwear from brands like arc teryx patagonia osprey western mountaineering black diamond five ten and more.
You probably know the biggest names in the outdoor equipment world but there are plenty of upstart gear companies out there too.
The list grows every day as more and more brands retrofit factories to make personal protection equipment ppe such as visors masks gowns gloves and goggles as does the number of companies.